Garter Chevron Lace Knitting Pattern – 8 Row Repeat
Multiple of 10 plus 1.
Use the needles that the yarn calls for or 1 size larger.
yo=yarn over
k2tog-knit 2 stitches together
Repeat from * to *
(sl1,k1,psso)=slide 1 stitch, knit the next and pass the slid stitch over the last one.
Row 1.- K 1, *yo, (sl1, k1, psso), k 5, k2tog, yo, k 1*
Rows 2, 4, 6 and 8.- Knit
Row 3: K 2, *yo, (sl1, k1, psso), k3, k2tog, yo, k 3*, last 2 stitches=knit.
(instead of the last 3 stitches, you will have only 2).
Row 5: K 3, *yo, (sl1, k 1, psso), k1, k2tog, yo, k 5*, last 3 stitches=knit.
(instead of the last 5 stitches, you will have only 3).
Row 7: K 4, *yo, (sl1, k2tog, psso), yo, k 7*, last 4 stitches=knit.
(instead of the last 7 stitches, you will have only 4).
Repeat these 8 rows for pattern.
Bind off after last row.
Suggested Materials: Vanna’s ChoiceYarn and The Gratitude Set by Knitter’s Pride